Exclusive interview: Meet Jose Campana - the man with more key passes than Leo Messi


When you think of the most creative players in LaLiga, the reflex is to think of Lionel Messi, and understandably so. Beyond the Argentine, the likes of Toni Kroos, Santi Cazorla and Dani Parejo spring to mind, but there is one player who has set up his teammates more than any of those star names.


That man is Levante midfielder Jose Campana, who spoke exclusively to WhoScored.com about his development in recent years and what has been a well travelled and often rocky road to finding comfort back in his homeland.  


The 26-year-old is well aware of the lead that he holds in terms of key passes this season, but certainly isn't getting carried away. "Yes, I am aware of the data. Obviously it's something I am proud of because it indicates that I'm doing things right and that it's helping my team.


"However, ultimately this is a team sport and individual data cannot be understood without the collective in mind."


While Campana can call upon set piece duties to boost his tally, but nevertheless 38 of his 54 key passes in total this season have come from open play. That equates to over 70 per cent, which is a significant increase from 52.5% last season (31/59) and points towards a player who is playing with greater freedom and confidence.


"There have been many different influences and contexts (effecting increased creativity)," the midfielder states. "Each season is different, even within the same team, but personally, I do think I've grown as a footballer."


There's no doubt his game has adapted this season, adopting more responsibility in attack rather than breaking up play in defence. Averages for shots, key passes and dribbles are all up from last season, and while tackles are down so too - and drastically so - is the frequency with which Campana has found himself in trouble with referees. The Spaniard picked up 12 yellow cards last season, compared to just one from 23 starts this time around.


The playmaker is maturing with each season, as shown by a vastly improved disciplinary record, and had to do so at an early age when a move to Crystal Palace materialised when he was just a teenager. It's a move that didn't pan out the way either the player or club would have liked but Campana insists he has no regrets.



"When you sign such a long contract (penning a 4-year-deal with Palace in 2013) you do so with the intention of fulfilling it and achieving great things. When things don't happen it's clear that it hurts and that you reflect, but there is no use looking back now."


The midfielder prefers to look ahead, and can now do so in a settled environment at Levante. Having started just four league games for the Eagles, Campana made a loan move to Germany with Nuernberg just months after his arrival in England. Another switch to a new country followed with Sampdoria, but it was a case of de ja vu, as he was soon shipped out to Porto on another loan.


To move to four foreign lands by the age of 23 certainly wasn't easy. "Adapting to the style of play, the conditions of the stadiums, your teammates, the culture is all difficult. When you go out on loan you know you have very little time to prove yourself. You need to deliver results almost immediately, which can lead to more pressure."


There's no question that after such a hectic start to his life in football, Campana is enjoying some stability. 


"I am where I am based on the path my career has and I don't regret it. To think about what might have been or what I could have done differently is worthless. Looking ahead, I don't think about anything other than to perform as best I can with Levante. I'm in the best league in the world and at a club where I feel very loved." 


It's no surprise what he highlight's as the turning point, essentially pressing the reset button on his career.


"Every step has had an influence, but maybe my return to Spain (was the greatest). To Alcorcón at first and particularly my arrival at Levante. Here I have felt comfortable since I arrived I felt that the club values me. I feel important."


When asked whether he could guess his statistically calculated strengths from WhoScored.com, the midfielder was near enough on the money "Let's say... vision (key passes), set pieces, dribbling and passing." He can add crossing and defensive contribution to that list, but feels there is room for improvement.


"I wish I could contribute more in front of goal and score more each season." If he can manage that then it won't be long before there's interest from afar, and perhaps even the national team having represented Spain at every youth level, but Campana is keeping his feet on the ground.


Exclusive interview: Meet Jose Campana - the man with more key passes than Leo Messi


"It's something I'm not thinking about right now (an international call-up). Among my personal goals, beyond those with Levante, I would love to be able to represent the Spanish national team. It would be a moment of great pride."


His club comes first for the time being though, and after a tough start to the New Year there is work to be done with Levante.


"We know that we are not always right in defence, that there are times when the small details punish us and prevent us from earning points that, perhaps game-by-game and collective level, we may have deserved." 


Despite sitting 13th ahead of the visit of league leaders Real Madrid, Campana and his teammates are under no illusions as to the task ahead.


"The goal of the team is survival and, once we achieve it, to improve upon what was achieved last year. If we do, it will be a successful season. Personally, beyond trying to improve my own numbers from the previous season, the important thing is to keep polishing the details of my game."


In an environment in which he is valued, Campana is definitely on the right track. Having made six moves across his career, is benefitting from life out of the limelight and won't mind his status as one of LaLiga's most underrated players one bit. For the time being at least...


Thanks to Betway, the main sponsor of Levante, for setting this interview up

Exclusive interview: Meet Jose Campana - the man with more key passes than Leo Messi